Analysis of the implementation of additional professional education programs at the aviation training center: feedback with the listeners

  • L. A. Terskaya. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


An aviation specialist under the influence of the modern innovative environment needs to constantly improve their professional level and build up their own potential. For this reason, each aviation company organized the aviation training center, in which the professionals can undergo training and improve their advanced training. Through feedback, information can be exchanged for the implementation of joint responsibility of the aviation training center and air transport specialists trained in them for the results of training. This is important for solving the joint task of
successful assimilation of educational material and acquisition of professional skills. The purpose of the article is to analyze the implementation of programs of additional professional education in the aviation training center based on feedback from listeners. The analysis was carried out by interviewing specialists who had completed advanced training and professional retraining before the onset of the pandemic. The questionnaire consists of two groups of questions: the first group – questions related to motivation and quality of training, the second group – with the form of training in the aviation training center. The practical significance of the results obtained is that they demonstrate both the positive aspects of the activity of the aviation training center, and certain difficulties that exist among the listeners of the center. The analysis of the implementation of additional professional education programs was carried out taking into account the age and gender characteristics of listeners. The motivational aspect of training listeners in the aviation training center was studied and the best form of training in the center was identified from their point of view. The opinions of respondents of different age categories on issues related to distance learning were listeners. Circumstances that prevent some air transport specialists from studying remotely have been identified. Based on the feedback results, conclusions are drawn and directions are outlined for improving the learning process in accordance with the
requirements of modern life, including in the context of a pandemic. This is necessary for the successful implementation of educational programs in full and within all areas of additional professional education of the aviation training center.
Keywords: aviation training center, feedback, additional professional education, advanced training,
professional retraining, distance learning, air transport specialists, educational process.